• Utenti 10
  • Articoli pubblicati dal 4 novembre 2001: 31963
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EU Animal Health Strategy 2007-2013

EU Animal Health Strategy 2007-2013

On Wednesday 19th September, the Commission has presented a framework for the EU's animal health and welfare measures over the next 6 years (2007 -- 2013). Based on feedback from an extensive consultation launched in 2004, the new animal health strategy focuses on issues inextricably linked to animal health, such as public health, food safety and animal welfare. Shot on location in Belgium, bird flu case study plus interviews with key figures in animal health sector: Three years ago a Belgian chicken farm located in an area affected by bird flu was forced to destroy its poultry house. The owners have now started again after putting in place strict bio-safety measures: change of clothing and shoes, disinfection of shoes, isolation zones, double doors, etc... These and others are necessary measures on all farms where animals are bred. They help prevent outbreaks and side effects, such as financial losses. A financial impact that affects not only the farmers but also the local economic and social environments, as well as the consumers.

European Commission Video September 2007